Interpreting Images


Trove Lo is a Swedish electropop singer who is seen in this image at her debut performance at Splendour in the Grass 2017. Highlighted by the fluorescent blue and purple background, this frames the focal point in the image which is Trove Lo. The meanings behind these colours combine with the overall feelings Trove Lo and the image in general portrays. The colour blue has underlying tones of confidence and relevance as it's seen on a day to day basis in the sky and water. The colour purple brings forth the meaning of royalty and power. Relating to how this image makes people feel, Trove Lo is seen as this confident, higher powered figure yet the blue helps the audience relate to her through the theme of relevance. These colours also identify with the electropop vibes and helps the viewer gain a sense of belonging. This sense of belonging is also gathered through the way that Trove Lo is captured by not looking directly at the camera. This allows the audience to not feel demanded to look right at her, but to be with her in this moment. Not only are the colours in the background important, but the positioning of the lights helps frame Trove Lo in this image, creating tight framing. Not only this, but it makes the image more aesthetically pleasing to look at. The sizing of the lights though acts as a perfect balance as they're big enough to help create an imaginary line around Trove Lo, by joining them up, but they're not to big that they over power her as the main focal point. The angle this image is taken adds to the power that the colour purple produces. The angle is of a lower shot, but not so low that the viewer feels intimidated, but low enough to gain this idea that Trove Lo demands respect from the audience. Again though, this image isn't demanding the attention of the viewer, but more so trying to place the viewer in the moment the photo was taken. 


This young kelpie is pictured here as it's learning the ropes on a farm in Dayboro, Queensland. This photograph depicts the harsh Australian sun through the use of the main colours of brown and dry greens but also portrays the beauty through the vast infinite blue sky, puffed with clouds. As an Australian, these colours bring familiarity and pride as they represent the hard working farmers, and in this case dogs as well, who provide for our country. Familiarity is felt as these colours impersonate the nature and scenery found across Australia. The focal point of this image is clearly framed by the livestock yards, forming a barrier for the eye. The mountain range and the sky also frame this photo, all contributing to the viewer's eye being drawn towards the dog. Taken from a medium distance, this front on image helps place the viewer level with the dogs view, putting the audience in the dogs eyes. Although, because we are being placed on the dogs level, the humans in this photo are on a higher angle, giving them power and authority in this image. This is balanced out in the image though as the dog and sheep are the bigger sized objects which helps draw the view back to them rather than focusing on the humans. The framing and centre placement of the animals, especially the dog, demand the attention of the viewer but the photographer was smart by not having any objects directly looking at the camera, creating this subtle demand of attention.  


A father and daughter's bond to the land is directly portrayed here as they bathe in nature's water in Cunnamulla, Western Australia. Relating to the image before of the learning kelpie, the colours found in this image resemble the colours of the land; blues, browns and greens; but in a more brighter and vibrant palette. These colours help express the beauty of the outback whilst also mixing in feelings of calmness through the use of blue. Happiness is the only way this image makes me feel as the father/ daughter bond combined with these bright colours makes this image inviting to the viewer. Loose framing also adds a relaxed view of this image as there are no clear lines compacting this photo together besides the line of the trees in the background. Taken from a medium distance, this allows the image to be viewed in all that it is trying to portray; the father and daughter relaxing but also they're love of the land by them admiring it from the baths. The angle as well allows this to be captured as it's taken higher up, allowing a full view of the serenity. The father and the daughter are the focal point in the image because they are bigger in size compared to the rest but by them gazing out upon the land this demands the audience to do so as well. Although the father and daughter aren't directly looking at the camera, the and seems to be which entices the audience to view not only the father and daughter as the focal point but also the land as well in the case.
